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Redantelopetech Medical Test Expert

Beijing Red Antelope Technology Co., Ltd. is a recognized high-tech company registered in Beijing China. The founder was from the most top enterprises in World Top 500 companies, after 18+ years of work experience. The major business fields are food & environment testing, sustainable cleaning, and technology advancement for customers in the first two fields, with currently three manufacturing sites and one service center and expanding still. Footprint of our products and services currently covers Latin America, East Europe, SEA, Middle East, and Central Asia, and again, steadily expanding.

For food & environment testing BU, we owns the brand name “UBio”. Products cover antibiotics testing on milk & dairy products, mycotoxin testing on grains & feeds, pathogen testing, ATP hygiene testing solutions, adulteration & quality testing, and so forth. Our customers are from industries such as food processing , raw materials collecting, pharmaceutical, food distribution, as well as government monitoring and institutions. Among all the suppliers in this field, we are highly confident that we are in the first echelon, as the teams are all from the top players and have abundant expertise as well as past experience developing world-leading products.

For sustainable cleaning BU, we owns the brand name “MagicWater”. Sustainable cleaning means to use the specially treated water for cleaning, including food industry cleaning, environment oil/grease cleaning, heavy-duty cleaning and so forth. It is a patented technology to treat purified water with 13-20 physical steps, which then yields the still water-like cleaner which can do the cleaning sufficiently but has no harm to our surrounding environment, either water (surface water or underground water) or oil, by reducing use of chemicals greatly (or reducing the energy or land to do the waste / wastewater treatment.

For technology advancement BU, we owns the brand name “InfiniteSimulation” and “InfiniteDigitalization”. They both serve for process issue-finding and optimization, while InfiniteSimulation is in advance by using computerized simulation to model and simulate what will happen, and InfiniteDigitalization is afterwards to have more pre-event operation to optimize efficiency and reduce consumables as well as energy consumption, based on what has happened. Leader of this BU is Chief Simulation Expert of GE Power with 20+ years of work experience specialized in computerized simulation.

Overall we hope to be agile, strong, tenacious, and with exceptional speed, just like a red antelope.

Big ambition is with us. Superior products and services are for the world.

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Target State: All States
Target City : All Cities
Last Update : 06 February 2025 10:45 PM
Number of Views: 62
Item  Owner  : redantelopetech
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