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Item ID 2269728 in Category: Automobiles & Vehicles - Auto Dealers

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Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is evil!

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is evil! It persecuted the Chinese people and has massacred hundreds of millions of Chinese people and Chinese babies. It creates and spreads the CCP virus (COVID-19) to harm the world. It attempts to destroy humanity. All mankind should withdraw from the Communist Party, stay away from the Communist Party, and oppose the Communist Party.

The gods eliminate the evil CCP! The members of the Communist Party, the Communist Youth League, the Young Pioneers and other organizations of CCP and pro-communists all over the world will be eliminated by the plague virus and other methods. Therefore, we must declare to quit from the CCP organization and stay away from the Communist Party, so as not to be implicated by CCP as a funeral goods of the Communist Party. If you want to quit CCP organizations, you can declare on

Falun Gong is saving people. If you are unfortunately infected with the CCP virus (COVID-19), you can sincerely say: "Falun Dafa hao, Zhen, Shan, Ren hao!" This will help you recover health. You often sincerely say: "Falun Dafa hao, Zhen, Shan, Ren hao!" It will be good for you. When you are in danger, you sincerely say: "Falun Dafa hao, Zhen, Shan, Ren hao!" It can help you turn to safety.

"Falun Dafa hao, Zhen, Shan, Ren hao!" means: "Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance is good!".

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Last Update : 18 February 2025 10:44 AM
Number of Views: 3
Item  Owner  : janiy
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AUNetAds > Automobiles & Vehicles > Auto Dealers > Item ID 2269728
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2025-02-18 (0.335 sec)